Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and also wish them peace and happiness in the New Year.

I would also like to let everyone know that my birthday is on 1 January. This statement may seem solicitous, and it is, because I want to see how many well wishes I can get for my 35th birthday. One is a good number because it is more than none!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear M'O... or may I call you M for short? Thank you for your seasonal wishes, which I, we, reciprocate to the power of 20 or more :o)
I would also like to take this early opportunity of wishing you an extremely happy birhday on 1st January. If my very old brain will allow me to remember, I will also wish you ditto on 1st, thus increasing the power of said wishes a thousand fold.
Good blog(s) btw. :o))

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My old brain couldn't quite make it on 1st but it eventually bestirred itelf this morning to wish you, again, a happy birthday

11:07 PM  

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